Friday, May 5, 2017


What better way to open a morning than to 
REACH for positivity and possibility. 

My day began with gratitude for a shining sun.
I reached out to touch the world
as I glided down the highway.
Traffic was heavy and focus
needed to arrive safely.
Persevere through
I thought.
©CV, 2017 

Donna Smith's one word, reach, was on my mind but there was no time to write. Now at the end of day, I reflect on the power of #ThankfulThursday as a catalyst to pour gratitude into the universe. I am thankful for: safe passage to the regional meeting that I was facilitating, new learning from the keynote presenter, positive communication with colleagues, a wonderful dinner with friends, and the quiet of alone time. 

As I reach out to find further inspiration for this post being offered to Spiritual Journey first Thursday, I give praise to Irene Latham for gathering our community of believers each month and to Donna Smith for opening her site for commentary on her one little word, reach. 

There is much to reach for in life. 

The road ahead may be bumpy
but with a shiny light from above,
I will be able to reach further destinations.

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